My fav song :3

My blog!

click here!

Pupper(s) of da week!

week of may 27nd 2024

hi hi!!

It's me: site owner!
This is a silly lil intro on my silly lil site!
You can call me Nik, Niknom, Mal, MalwareBytez or whatever username u know me as heh
I'm trying out using any pronouns rn, but that might change in the future :]
i'm a fan of homestuck, minecraft and 2000s + early 2010s internet culture :D!!
+ I've also recently gotten way too into homestar runner. oopsies
anywayz, most other info about me i share on the interwebz is on here somewhere. Which isn't very much hehe

Other pages :DD

my lil bro'z monster truck gallery!

Character descs for RPing